
Are you ready to deepen your Mindfulness skills in 2024?

Jun 4, 2024News and Research

We have delivered two group programs online this year and as usual we are receiving very positive feedback as participants notice changes to their mental well-being.

These group programs provide an excellent introduction to specific mindfulness meditation methods and an easy to understand explanation of the neurobiology of the methods. Group participants support and learn from each other.

The program is quite demanding because we encourage twice daily meditation practice but the effort pays off as we see people making significant positive shifts in mental health as well as making changes to unhelpful habits. Just as dedicated effort in the gym produces significant fitness improvement, so it is with mental exercise.

The next program starts on 16th July – 6-8pm online.

Stressed? Low mood?

Eating or drinking too much? Impatient and snappy? Consider joining our MiCBT Program.